The Great Gatsby PDF Book Download

The Great Gatsby PDF Book Download
The Great Gatsby PDF version is available in the public domain in the USA and several other countries. Today we will share its download link with you. The name of the author is F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was published by Scribner’s Sons in 1925.

The Great Gatsby book review

This ideal novel has acquired a vast range of admirers from all generations. After one year of its publication, the response from the readers was disappointing. Only 20000 copies sold. However, after the second world war, it got popular among readers. Today we call it a literary classic.

The narrator of the story and events is a young graduate Nick Carraway. He shifts in New York. In his neighborhood, a rich person ‘Jay Gatsby’ lives, who is a millionaire and regularly arranges parties in his home. He always invites young, stylish, and popular people. These people remain curious about his past and think him a mysterious person. But the fact is that he is living a resentful life. Nick comes to know the reason for Gatsby’s sad life.

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A few years back, Gatsby was in love with a cute girl Daisy. She also loved him. But in his absence, she married another rich man Tom Buchanan. Gatsby still loves her and wants to meet her again. Due to Gatsby’s extreme insistence, Nick arranges his meeting with Daisy. Now their affair starts again. When Tom comes to know this, he becomes angry and warns both of them.

One day both of them become emotional while they are on the drive. Daisy can’t control the car and she hits a woman. The woman dies. Now Gatsby decides to take the blame on himself so that Daisy could remain safe. Meanwhile, the woman’s husband George Wilson discovers who is the owner of the killer's car. So he comes and shoots Gatsby in his home. After his death, Nick becomes so sad and leaves New York.

This magnificent novel, The Great Gatsby PDF has been well-composed. Fitzgerald has created clever characters, who dodge others in difficult situations. Although it is suitable to read for every level, senior students and advanced readers enjoy the most.

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Some details about the author of The Great Gatsby book

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896, in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He was an American writer and he wrote four novels. In addition, he also wrote short stories. Fitzgerald was so talented and had an extraordinary lyrical style. He was also one of the biggest American authors of the last century. The Great Gatsby is truly his masterpiece. His other novels are This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, and Tender Is the Night. His work has also appeared in movies several times. He died on December 21, 1940.

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The Great Gatsby PDF download link

You can download this magnificent novel from the link below. The source of The Great Gatsby PDF eBook is

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